Saturday, July 13, 2013

News Media Coverage of Trayvon Martin / George Zimmerman Trial

For weeks, Mainstream Media has been pouring over every detail about the Trayvon Martin, and George Zimmerman Murder trial. Tonight, we finally have a verdict, and CNN is reporting that George Zimmerman has been found Not Guilty by a jury of his peers.
For the next several days, we can expect the media to pour over what went wrong for the prosecution and what this means for George Zimmerman.
But here is my question.... Why are we talking about this anyways?
Why is this case any different from the thousands of others that can be selected from? This case isn't much different from a hundred others on shows like Dateline, First 48, Cops, and Court TV and others.  In this commentary, I cover the topics that the news should be covering on, and ask the simple question of why are we talking about a murder trial that affects no one instead.

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